Bedford Floral Art Society

Welcome to Bedford Floral Art Society. We are affiliated to NAFAS – The National Association of Flower Arrangement Societies – and here in Bedford we are keen to promote creativity with flowers. We are a group of keen but mainly amateur flower arrangers who meet on the first Tuesday of each month at the Addison Centre in Kempston. Doors open at 7pm for 7.30pm and visitors are very welcome at any of the meetings. Please visit our Upcoming Events page for more details.


We are a friendly group who have a shared interest in flowers and flower arranging.

Be Inspired

Be Inspired professional demonstrations & learn something new at our workshops

Fun with Flowers

Fun with Flowers

Come along to our meetings to see and hear informative and humorous professional flower arrangers

Visitors Welcome

Visitors Welcome

Most months we have a visiting professional demonstrator. Please see our program for full details

Join us at our next meeting

Most of our meetings are open to anyone. Come along on your own or bring a friend. Entry fees on the door are usually £8 - except when we have a special event. We look forward to seeing you there!

latest news

Keep in touch with the all the latest news and events
5 Jul
July 2024

We welcomed Christine Long to our meeting this month. Her demonstration’s intriguing...

7 Jun
Andrew Key June 2024

‘A lovely fun presentation’ ……‘Super ideas to try’…….‘Colourful and entertaining’….. ‘Brill...

9 May
May 2024

Our first social and practical evening of the year. We always like these evenings to be ‘ti...

5 Apr
Lynne Sharpe April 2024

‘Car Boot Collection’ was the intriguing title of Lynne Sharpe’s demonstration for  he...

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