Andrew Key June 2024

‘A lovely fun presentation’ ……‘Super ideas to try’…….‘Colourful and entertaining’….. ‘Brilliant, really enjoyed it’

It was Andrew Key’s first visit to Bedford and these  four  comments  from members after his ‘May to September’ presentation surely means it won’t be his last.

The stage looked stunning at the end of the evening filled  with designs which    included  commemorating  the 80th anniversary of the D Day landings, remembering life on his grandfather’s small holding,  a visit to Buckingham Palace Garden Party and one arrangement  which was a tribute to his geese! 

A wide variety of flowers and foliage were used and  British Flower Week was celebrated in several of Andrew’s designs.  We were given lots of tips and ideas especially on items we could use from home (plastic guttering was a wonderful container for a long narrow table design!). His presentation was informative and entertaining and included musical interludes. A really  enjoyable evening – thank you Andrew.

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